Access Bars is a technique that comes from Access Consciousness® that is a system to open doors to everything that is possible. By giving you access to your knowing. By raising your awareness and embracing everything and judge nothing. The method and tools are based on the notion that you are not wrong, that you know what´s true for you and that awareness can change anything.
Access Bars® is a gentle technique of touching 32 points on the head. This can be a huge contribution to you so you can let go of anything that prevents you from feeling joy and ease in life. The points contain all the thought,s, ideas, beleif systems, judgements, limitations and emotions that you stored. It can be like pressing a delete button on your computer and it becomes more space to be who you are.
For me, it´s a process full of energy that spins around everything I thought was true and completely new possibilities can become visible. I also get more access to joy.
Imagine if you could see the value of your body instead of what's wrong with it. What if you could enjoy having a body? What would that create in your reality?
Imagine if your body is joy, peace, happiness and has abilities you have not yet had access to. When you let your body know what a gift it is, it will be.
"What if being you was not a definition
but a question, a choice, a space and a possibility?"
Dr Dain Heer
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